Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Double Standard

Although Senator Obama’s speech on race was far from a panacea on the issue it certainly seemed one of the more insightful from a mainstream machine politician. To me the issue is not whether or not he has distanced himself far enough from Rev. Wright or Min Farrakhan, no my issue has more to do with those of us from the paler nation who cannot seem to understand that if any double standards do exist comes in large part from our unwillingness to see the warts of our history.
A recent issue that I think magnifies this point is many of the media pundits who have railed against Obama for referring to his grandmother as a “typical” white person. Because quiet is kept those same people who have intimated that Obama threw his grandmother under the train, would undoubtedly move to the other side of the street if they saw him advancing toward them with a hoody and some jeans on in Chi-Town, and his name was Omar. The point of the matter is his illustration was a perfect example of the micro vs. the macro. Meaning, his grandmother, probably for the love of her daughter and the life she brought into this world, indeed loved him and nurtured him as most grandmothers would. However, that does not mean she had any understanding of the double conscience experience that black folks in this country have to deal with on a daily basis. It is kind of like the “he so articulate” argument. Many in the paler nation do not understand the reason this is often taken offensively is because it implies an expectation of the opposite. It is said almost as if a black person being articulate is an aberration. Like when Bill O’Riley thought it was a revelation when he went to Sylvia’s dinner in Harlem and found they ran a business just like anybody else. Why the fuck was he surprised? Because he like most “typical” white Americans, no matter how many friends of color they may have, perceive most blacks as an other.
Many of these same pundits, most being conservatives, are the same who become indigent when slavery is brought up in race conversations, and quip “why don’t you just get over it” or “well, I didn’t own slaves.” But always seem to defend the Sons and Daughters of the confederates “Heritage not Hate” argument when displaying the confederate battle flag. Look, I live in VA and there are constant civil war reenactments and museums down this way but I never hear anybody telling those who hold that history dear to “get over it.”
If the recent statements and arguments being put forth by former vice-presidential candidate Ferraro and Bill Clinton are any indication it would appear white liberals continue to remain equally mired in the vacuum surrounding issues of race as their conservative counterparts. This is probably the more evil of the manifestations because they pretend to give a fuck. Until we in the paler nation truly accept our responsibility in creating the double standard that exist any conversation concerning race will continue to be recycled “typical” myopic bullshit.


Unknown said...

great post. you know i will pass this around.

Anonymous said...

"Because he like most “typical” white Americans, no matter how many friends of color they may have, perceive most blacks as an other."

most members of the paler nation do not "have" any "friends" of the darker nation.

once again, rather tight
