Sunday, January 25, 2009

What Up, What's Haapin"

(The Younger generation Of Amazulu's)

UZN Chapter Leadership Comes to an End

Well first up my three years as chapter leader for our local Universal Zulu Nation chapter came to an end this past Thursday night Jan 22, 2009. I give myself an overall grade of B during my time at the helm of the chapter. Early on things went well, we hosted round table discussions at Old Dominion University, put on Youth Camps, lobbied local radio stations to add variety to their play list, and organized B-Boy battles. For the firs year and a half our cadre was about 9 strong and active members. Brothers and sister were at all the meeting and participating in all the UZN sponsored events.

However, somewhere along the line cats started falling off. Some moved and some just had to put organizing to the side for babies and bills. Another reason is we had some internal beef that caused one of our most dedicated members decide he wanted to take a step back for a short period of time. Unfortunately instead of a short term absence his leave turned out to be permanent.

Another reason for the slow down in our chapter had everything to do with me. What I realized is although I'm not a follower by any means, I realized is I'm no leader either. Mine is not the personality to motivate and inspire. When brothers and sisters said they would do something I took them at their word for it. I'm not the type who is going to chase cats down and pressure them to do what they are suppose to door said they would do. But when one runs an organization that is a quality I'm now convinced is an attribute you should posses. My tacit when running our chapter I don't think did much to inspire others. I felt the other members had a respect for me but I guess I just didn't know how to light a fire under their ass.

Over the last year we have had a large infusion of youth in our chapter and I felt it was pass time to turn the torch over to them. The elders in our chapter were particularly impressed by one of our younger members named Guerrilla Will. He is a young brother with his head squarely on his shoulders, wisdom beyond his years, and the charisma to get others to follow. I expect great things will happen for our chapter over the next few years. I look forward to this new era for our chapter and plan on giving all I can in my wisdom and experience so that our young members can move positively into the future.

Shout out's to;

Dan Tres Omi
Manny Infinity
and everyone else who came through the last three years.
Nas Dawud

In Solidarity

As many of you may know a young brother named Oscar Grant was gunned down by a BART police officer in Oakland this past new years day. For me the first video told me all I need to know. Now a second video showing the officer who had his knee on Oscar's neck when he was fatally shot had mere moments earlier punched Oscar with no provocation. No way were those cops in fear for their lives! No way are those who are demanding justice wrong for taking the streets! I'm a bit surprised however at the slow and measured response of Oakland's Mayor to this situation. You see this isn't your normal white or machine type candidate. No the current Mayor of Oakland Ron Dellums, was a very impressive activist back in the 70's. He has been on the forefront of progressive issues for his 30 plus years in civic politics. So his slow reaction on this issue is a bit disappointing.
The two best sources I have found in following this issue have been the Oakland Tribune, and the CNN Hip-Hop news source Davey D.
Keep the pressure on!!!

Infinite Road

With the accession of Barack Obama to the presidency on the heels of the commemoration of Dr, Martin Luther King Jr's., birthday it would seem far too many a pundit is pondering whether we are now "post racial" and the fulfillment of Dr. King's dream complete. As I understood Dr. King's "dream" racial equality was only one portion. Not only does President Obama's election no way provide racial equity on an institutional level, Dr. King's dream also included the eradication of poverty, and the ending of America's imperial use of violence upon other nations. Under the Bush administration these two core principals of Dr. King's dream were far from realized, in fact they were arguably made less attainable. With President Obama we have no guarantees but what we do have is more people believing that they can effect change in their lifetime.
Although President Obama seems intent on tackling the issue of poverty he seems all to amenable in continuing to beat the drums of Washington's war machine. While apparently moving forward in reducing the troops in Iraq, instead of bringing them home, it would appear he simply wants to shuffle at least 30,000 of them to Afghanistan, another quagmire in the making.

The election of a Black man as the United States President is indeed profound beyond measure, hell for all of Europe's lecturing and judgement of us; I wonder when a Algerian will be elected President of France, and African the Prime Minister of England? But I digress. President Obama cannot wave a magic wand and erase the generations of institutional racism, numerous administrations wrecking of our economy and the inequities that continue to plague us.

Yes the election of Barack Obama to the presidency gives many a sense of hope and ownership that has long alluded them, but the road towards Dr. King's dream is an infinite one. An immediate reminder was the shooting of an unarmed young Black man in Oakland on New Years day. Our institutions will always be imperfect as we human beings are imperfect. The question now is will this landmark in our history prove to be, as writer Tim Wise asked "adrenaline or morphine." Meaning, will we harness this moment to motivate us in continuing to strive for our higher-self, or will it prove, as I fear it will, for far to many as journey complete and a dream fulfilled?

We should use this time to reflect and take inventory on how far we have come, but more importantly, stay engaged in the work that strives to reach for our higher-self. The dream of Dr. King is simply a continuum in the philosophy of hope that has run through every generation all over the planet.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Broadcast From WZULU

Greetings earthlings, we have had meteor storms here on Planet Rock over the past few weeks and have been unable to communicate with your planet. However, our defenses proved steadfast and we are now again able to broadcast our missives.
Like all interplanetary funksters when things are copasetic and we have a few extra moments we like to dig in our crates, blow the dust off some vinyl and dig on some righteous tunes.
Currently in rotation on the play list at Planet Rock’s residential soul sonic force FM transmitter WZULU;

Soul Makossa-Manu Dibango- If you are a B-Boy or a “Hip-Hop” DJ no explanation necessary. If you are unfamiliar with this song and want to get at the essence of the connection between Jazz, Afro-Beat, funk, and Hip-Hop, this is a classic as Jimmy Castor Bunch “Its Just Begun.”

Hand Wanda-The Wild Magnolias- Got to say this is a recent discovery for me. This one got past me until recently when I was watching VH1 Soul series “Soul Cities” hosted by Author and Critic Nelson George. During an episode focusing on New Orleans when pressed by Nelson to offer a suggestion for a song that defines New Orleans funk, a well known local DJ suggested this song. It’s never too late to discover great music.

Do Your Thing-Charles Wright and the Watts 103rd Street Rhythm band- This song as well as Charles Wright has been sampled numerous times. But it has been done in such a subtle manner that most cats do not know the original nor who Charles Wright is in the realm of funk. If you don’t know better get a late pass G (Not sure if the whole Flavor thing comes through in print.)

Green Light-John Legend and Andre 3000- Ok didn’t really have to dig in a crate for this one. This song to me rides and flows effortlessly, and John and Andre both sound great. The melody has an easy flow to it but an underlining bop that drives it giving a bounce to it. Got to say I’m a John Legend fan.

Honey-Erykah Badu- Ah Honey, you so sweet.

Turn Da Lights Off-Tweet- Kwame gets mad props for this beat. The shit is sexy, funky, and just makes you want to wind your hips slow. This shit gets me every time the beat drops and Tweet’s singing is intoxicating.

The Rain-Oran “Juice” Jones- “I missed ya today so much I followed ya” I was about to jam you and flat blast both of you But I didn't wanna mess up this thirty-seven hundred dollar lynx coat.” Classic Mac shit, these cats today could go back and take a page out of this brother’s player hand book.

Come Back, baby-Tower Of Power- To me this is classic 70’s quiet storm sound here. Great hook, sweet melody, and ya feel it to your core.

Super Natural Thing-Ben E King- This nothing but pure sweetfunksoul.

Inspiration Information-Shuggie Otis- Quiet as kept this kid at 17 wrote Strawberry Letter 23, not the Brothers Johnson (and it damn sure wasn’t Tevin Campbell’s song). This cat was a child prodigy (son of music legend Johnny Otis) that life circumstances took him in a direction that didn’t allow the rest of us to hear his musical progression. This song display’s all his potential and still stands the test of time. Ask a real soul musician who Shuggie Otis is and you may find yourself listening to a musical dissertation.

777-9311-The Time-Great band, Great Song.

Next Up RZA and Hip-Hop Music.


Nas Dawud